We collectively strive for high standards, embedding excellence into our daily operations.

Accountability is foundational to our commitment - we hold ourselves and each other accountable for the commitments made, building trust and reliability. Our focus is on outcomes, not just activities, measuring success by the tangible impact we create.

We are committed to exploring and delivering the best value for money, promoting efficiency and maximising impact in all our endeavours. Our approach to growth is both commercial and sustainable, driving opportunities strategically while maintaining environmental responsibility.

Responsibility is shared, with our team collectively upholding high standards for excellence.

We deliver high quality outcomes through applying standards and consistent ways of working. We’re committed to always trying to be even better, fostering a culture of continuous improvement that defines our success.

Hear from our colleagues Craig and Dannielle about what this means to them:

We use our market awareness to shape our business, leveraging insights about our customers to continually enhance our services, maximising value for everyone.

We look at things from a customer’s perspective, regularly checking in to ensure we understand their evolving needs, motivations, and problems before working to solve issues.

As a customer-centric organisation, we are seeking the win: win outcomes; building strong and enduring relationships. We are committed to delivering for our customers, knowing what they want – and if there’s uncertainty, we’ll find out.

We’ll strive to go above and beyond, setting ourselves apart and ensuring customer satisfaction is at the core of everything we do. We do it as a team, working with our customer to exceed their expectations.

Hear from our colleagues Chris and Cecilia about what this means to them:

We treat each team member with respect and courtesy, recognising and celebrating our differences.

Fostering a safe workplace environment where everyone feels empowered to be themselves and speak up about risks or concerns is fundamental to our success. As a leader, I challenge the status quo and invite others to challenge me, creating a space for continuous improvement.

Emphasising the importance of our collective Purpose, “Enabling communities to thrive”, we strive to make a meaningful difference that extends beyond achieving our financial goals.

Our team is built on the foundation of mutual support - we have each other’s backs, ensuring safety, trust and collaboration. In the face of risk or concern, we step up and speak up, prioritising safety and proactive problem solving.

Together, we embody a culture of safety, performance, respect, resilience, and shared commitment to our Purpose.

Hear from our colleagues Mhairi and Nathan about what this means to them: