About us
About us
Downer is listed on the Australian Securities Exchange and employs more than 26,000 people.
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What we do
What we do
Downer is a leading provider of integrated services in Australia and New Zealand.
View our latest ASX announcements as well as financial reporting, key dates and shareholder information.
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News and media
News and media
View the latest news from Downer as well as our capability brochures.
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We understand the importance of having a responsible and forward-thinking approach to sustainability.
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People and careers
People and careers
Our people are fundamental to the culture and success of Downer.
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Contact us
Contact us
Downer has over 300 sites across Australia and New Zealand with our head office based in Sydney.
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Delivering quality and safe products and services
The safety and quality of our products and services is paramount. We recognise that inability to supply quality products and services can cause impacts to health, safety and wellbeing, socioeconomic activities and cause delays or inconvenience to communities. Delays and inconvenience may reduce access to vital infrastructure and services in the community and result in negative impacts on customers, communities and Downer. The quality, timeliness and value of the products and services delivered by Downer and its partners (e.g. outsourcing) also has impacts on our customers, contractors, employees and end users (e.g. members of the community).
In addition to our safety management system, quality at Downer is managed through our Quality Policy and ISO 9001 certified integrated management system. This includes processes and procedures for document management, planning, business improvement, inspection and testing, management review, audits, and records handling. Implementing these processes and procedures, including contractual and project specific requirements, enables Downer to assess and manage the health and safety impacts of our product and services on customers, members of the public, communities, employees and other stakeholders. Downer also complies with relevant engineering and design requirements for projects and assets and implements specific product safety programs, such as food safety, if required.