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HCBC’s story
H.C Building & Construction (HCBC) is a proud 100% Indigenous owned business that operates in Australia and the Torres Strait Islands. They have a vision to be at the forefront of empowering Indigenous people to achieve the future that they deserve, contributing to stronger communities, and providing pathways for employment.
HCBC had experienced a series of unsuccessful tender attempts to contract direct to Defence before a small $9,000 project from Downer Defence set them on their way. Downer Defence were evolving an SME incubation model to help businesses successfully enter, and thrive in Defence industry, and following this model worked with HCBC from ‘being their first’ defence industry contract, and throughout their sustainable growth and expansion. Today HCBC is a mature business that contracts multi-million dollar jobs for both Downer Defence and direct to Defence.
HCBC’s Director Heath Christison shares the company’s journey as a growing SME in Defence industry and their advice for other SMEs.
Why is working in Defence Industry important to your business?
My dream has always been to train local Indigenous people and make change for a better life. Working in Defence industry is important to our business because it has allowed our business to grow significantly and has improved our ability to increase our Indigenous workforce. We understand that by harnessing existing community capacity and by involving the leaders, we are ensuring multi-generational long-lasting success. Over 40% of our current employees are Indigenous, including full-time Carpentry Apprentices from Cape York and the Northern Peninsula Area, the Torres Strait Islands, Cairns and the Tablelands region.
Our business offers employment opportunities including carpentry and cabinetmaker apprenticeships as well as general trade assistance. Our management and administration team are continuing to develop their skills in governance and compliance to meet Defence’s requirements. The most pleasing part of this success is that it allows my young Indigenous staff to gain broader experience to develop their careers and change the ‘norm’ of being reliant on passive welfare.
What is the most valuable support a Prime can provide to your business?
It is great to work with a Prime that recognises our capability and Defence contractor ambitions. We value a Prime’s support and knowledge sharing across ‘zero harm’, Defence acumen training and tendering. Working with a Prime has allowed us to significantly grow our knowledge and service delivery maturity, from an initial $9,000 contract to receiving more than $2.5 million worth of work in Defence industry.
Support from a Prime has enabled us to take on increasingly complex work orders, including building construction and roof restoration works in Cairns, the delivery, logistics and planning of the Talisman Sabre exercise in Central and North Queensland, and work on the Army Aboriginal Community Assistance Program in Mareeba. Our business has also been successful in winning our first direct contact with Defence: a $3 million project in Shoalwater Bay. With each opportunity, guidance and knowledge/skills transfer we receive from a Prime, our capacity and capability as a business continues to grow and mature.
What advice would you give another SME trying to enter or scale up in the Defence industry?
Stay true to your SME vision as you grow! Our vision as an Indigenous building and construction company, is to be at the forefront of empowering Indigenous people to achieve the future that they deserve. Contributing to stronger communities, providing pathways for employment and personal growth and delivering a new standard of construction.
As your business continues to grow in Defence industry, look for opportunities to build connections and find opportunities to empower local and Indigenous communities. From HCBC’s experience, Primes in Defence industry can help provide opportunities to empower Indigenous communities and build connections between other Indigenous businesses. For example, it has been a privilege to be introduced by Downer Defence to the Darumbal People Aboriginal Corporation, where our business could engage and upskill Traditional Custodians as part of the Darumbal Trainee Ranger project at Shoalwater Bay Training Area. Our new relationship with the Darumbal People Aboriginal Corporation offers Darumbal people opportunities for multi-skilling and continuity of employment.