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Downer is listed on the Australian Securities Exchange and employs more than 26,000 people.
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Downer is a leading provider of integrated services in Australia and New Zealand.
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Downer has over 300 sites across Australia and New Zealand with our head office based in Sydney.
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Managing risks and incidents
Managing safety through a risk based approach is embedded in our work practices, culture and performance, and is fundamental to our success. A robust approach to hazard identification, risk assessment, and incident investigation are central to this. This involves applying a risk-based approach throughout the lifecycle of the project. This includes:
- From tender to project delivery – this approach includes identification of risk and opportunities at the project level
- As part of day one readiness – review of the risk assessment based on project scope, environment and deliverables,
- Through risk assessment workshops, preparation of the project risk register,
- The development of the safety management plan describing how safety will be managed on the project,
- Development of safe work method statements that reflect the risks and controls identified.
Through our inspection program we assure that required controls are in place, and are working effectively, and our observation program provides the opportunity for leaders to engage with our workforce and gain real time understanding and experience of our on-the-ground risk management and hazard and control awareness.
In addition we:
- Embed health, safety and wellbeing considerations and risk management in the execution of work and lifecycle of products and services (e.g. design, planning, construction, maintenance and operation)
- Empower anyone to stop work if it is unsafe
- Foster an environment where everyone feels comfortable to raise potential hazards.
The integrated nature of our management system allows for risks associated with subcontractor management to be integrated into our risk management strategies. Management practices here include prequalification, supervision and performance monitoring.
We are committed to discouraging complacency, and promoting understanding and management of low-likelihood, high-consequence critical risks that have the potential to cause serious harm to our people, the environment or our operations. These include risks from working with mobile plant or equipment, vehicles and driving underground and overhead services, falling objects, electrical work and working at height. Our 10 Cardinal Rules are designed to save lives and reinforce that all workers have an obligation to stop and report unsafe work. These workplace rules are:
- Never walk directly behind or in the path of a reversing vehicle
- Never work at a height without fall protection
- Never enter a designated confined space without training and a permit
- Never be under a suspended load
- Never enter a designated exclusion zone without authorisation
- Never work on plant and equipment without verifying isolation, tagging and testing
- Never tamper with, remove or bypass any safety device
- Never operate plant or mobile equipment unless licensed/competent or under supervised training
- Never operate a vehicle while using a handheld mobile phone or without wearing a seatbelt, where fitted
- Never consume or be under the influence of alcohol or non-approved drugs in the workplace.
Incident Reporting and Management
Where an incident, or high potential near miss, does occur we report these incidents into our database and report these internally through to our senior Executive team, based on the severity of the incident. Our process includes external notification as needed. Incidents are investigated, using the appropriate method for the type of incident and severity. We share applicable lessons learned across our business utilising alerts and bulletins and safety shares. Corrective actions are monitored until closed out, and overdue actions reported. Appropriate processes are also used to investigate complaints of bullying, harassment, and sexual harassment or gender-based violence